CSSI OD Leadership and Staff
The CSSI Office of the Director (CSSI OD) identifies opportunities and coordinates initiatives, programs, events, and resources for cancer researchers. CSSI OD oversees all scientific and programmatic activities of CSSI to carry out the mission of the Center. CSSI’s portfolio continually evolves to reflect the changing needs of the cancer research community and the maturity of relevant research fields.
Ann M. Geiger, Ph.D.
Dr. Ann Geiger is the Director of the Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives.
Sean E. Hanlon, Ph.D.
Dr. Sean Hanlon is the Deputy Director of the Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives and provides scientific leadership to the 4D Nucleome program, NCI’s Human Tumor Atlas Network, and several NIH committees and working groups.
Juli Klemm, Ph.D.
Dr. Juli Klemm is a Program Director and directs the Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Program, coordinates the trans-NCI Advisory Committee to CSSI (TACTIC), and chairs NCI’s Artificial Intelligence Working Group.
Andrew Kurtz, Ph.D.
Dr. Andy Kurtz is a Program Director and co-leads the Cancer Grand Challenges program and provides strategic leadership for several multidisciplinary programs.
Samantha Finstad, Ph.D. (Office of the Deputy Director)
Dr. Sam Finstad is a Program Director and provides scientific leadership and coordination for the Serological Sciences Network (SeroNet) program and NCI’s Creative Collaborations Foundry.
Tony Dickherber, Ph.D.
Dr. Tony Dickherber is a Program Director and participates in the management of the Cancer Grand Challenges program, Creative Collaborations Foundry, Cancer Moonshot, and the Cancer Screening Research Network.
Michelle Berny-Lang, Ph.D.
Dr. Michelle Berny-Lang is a Program Director and supports the Synthetic Biology and Cancer program, the Big Data Scientist Training Enhancement Program (BD-STEP), and the trans-NCI Advisory Committee to CSSI (TACTIC).
Kelly Crotty, Ph.D.
Dr. Kelly Crotty is a Program Director and directs the Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) program, coordinates the COnsortium of METabolomics Studies (COMETS) program, and manages collaborative projects for the Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) program.
Steven Cole
Mr. Steven Cole in a Program Analyst and performs analytics reporting, input, planning, and development of CSSI initiatives.
Frankie A. Cozzens Philips
Ms. Frankie Cozzens Philips is a Program Analyst and supports the organization and management of CSSI programs.