2024 Childhood Cancer Data Initiative Webinars
Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) webinars communicate the initiative’s goals and activities, highlight progress, and demonstrate how to find and use CCDI web applications, platforms, and data.
If you missed a webinar, access past recordings and presentations below.
December 10, 2024: MCI Update: Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcomas
This webinar provides an update on the Molecular Characterization Initiative (MCI) and its impact on pediatric soft tissue sarcoma patients. Topics presented include an overview of the MCI strategy, MCI progress, clinical impact, and future innovations.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
November 12, 2024: Live Demo: NCCR Data Platform
This webinar introduces the National Childhood Cancer Registry (NCCR) Data Platform, a new resource that is part of the CCDI Data Ecosystem. It is the nation’s first data-sharing resource to link childhood, adolescent, and young adult (AYA) records across population-based cancer registries and real-world data partners. The webinar features a live demo and panel discussion delving into how the NCCR Data Platform makes de-identified data easy to search, request, visualize, and analyze in a secure, cloud-based system.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
October 8, 2024: Comparing Proton and Photon Therapy: Insights from an NCI Pediatric Study
This webinar delves into the NCI Pediatric Proton and Photon Therapy Comparison Cohort, focusing on the study’s design, current enrollment status, and state-of-the-art methods—developed specifically for this cohort—to determine the amount of radiation exposure to different body sites.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
September 10, 2024: Impact of the Molecular Characterization Initiative on Pediatric CNS Tumors
This webinar focuses on one of CCDI’s programs, the Molecular Characterization Initiative, and its impact on pediatric central nervous system (CNS) tumor research. It covers the breadth of data being collected, the clinical impact, and how the data is influential in study design, screening, and more.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
August 13, 2024: CCDI Federated Data: Enhancing Data Discoverability
This webinar focuses on a new advancement for querying genomic, clinical, imaging, and biospecimen data through a standard application programming interface (API). It covers how to access the API, including the OpenAPI Specification, and more.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
July 9, 2024: Leveraging Data Standards for Improving Interoperability
This webinar focuses on how to enhance interoperability with data standards, with an emphasis on the National Childhood Cancer Registry (NCCR), Childhood Cancer–Data Integration for Research, Education, Care, and Clinical Trials (CC-DIRECT), and more.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
May 21, 2024: Promises and Challenges: Automated Extraction of Electronic Health Record Data
This webinar focuses on the promises and challenges of using technology to automate data extraction from electronic health records (EHRs) for research purposes. It covers current options for extracting data; lessons learned from identifying, extracting, and using extracted EHR data; and opportunities to address challenges.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
March 18, 2024: March Community Forum
The March 2024 CCDI Community Forum focuses on the Coordinated Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Rare Cancer Initiative, covering areas aimed at advancing the understanding of childhood cancer and accelerating research efforts.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
February 26, 2024: Developing Pediatric Cancer Data Standards
In this webinar, hear from experts from Data for the Common Good (D4CG) at the University of Chicago as they discuss developing pediatric data standards and D4CG's contribution to the upcoming Childhood Cancer Clinical Data Commons.
Access the event presentation and event recording.
January 23, 2024: Navigating St. Jude's PeCan v2 & Survivorship Data Sharing Tools
This webinar explores ways to enhance research and advance knowledge of childhood cancers through two St. Jude research data sharing platforms, PeCan v2 and the St. Jude Survivorship Portal.
Access the event presentation and event recording.