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Global Oncology Survey of NCI-Designated Cancer Centers

Global Oncology Report map highlighting 85 countries and including 39 low- and middle-income countires


The Center for Global Health (CGH) periodically conducts a survey of all NCI-Designated Cancer Centers to provide a holistic view of their activities in global oncology and identify opportunities for cancer research and control collaboration. Past surveys have taken place in 2012, 2014, 2018, and 2021. The next survey will be conducted in 2026. 

Highlights of the results of the 2021 survey are available in the Executive Summary, full Report, and Lancet Oncology publication.  


Details global oncology involvement

While NCI is the largest funder of cancer research, the majority of other research is led by cancer centers. The Global Oncology Survey of NCI-Designated Cancer Centers provides valuable data to understand the current state, priorities, and trends of global oncology. CGH does this by:

  • requesting information from all NCI-Designated Cancer Centers about their global oncology programs, training offerings, and non-NIH-funded global oncology research projects 
  • analyzing responses and comparing them to NIH-funded global oncology research led by cancer centers to create a comprehensive view of trends in academic global oncology  
  • sharing results with NCI, the cancer centers, and other organizations involved in research, education, and funding for global oncology  

Results from the survey can be used in many ways:

  • Cancer centers → assess and advance their own global oncology programs, further develop collaborations, and learn from the work and programs of their peers
  • International institutions →  build and strengthen collaborations
  • Trainees →  identify relevant opportunities and programs
  • NCI and other funding institutions →  refine priorities and inform program design



The development and dissemination of the 2021 survey is done in collaboration with the NCI Office of Cancer Centers, the American Association for Cancer Research, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society of Preventive Oncology, and five NCI-Designated Cancer Centers:  Carbone Cancer Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins.

How to Connect

To become involved in planning for future global oncology surveys or learn more about the global oncology survey methodology and findings, contact Ms. Elise Garton.
