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Center for Global Health Partnerships and Dissemination

The Center for Global Health (CGH) facilitates critical knowledge exchange and evidence translation among the NCI-supported intramural and extramural scientific communities and global cancer control policymakers and implementers in low- and middle-income settings, in order to enable science-based global cancer control.  

With the unique ability to convene partners representing diverse perspectives, CGH represents NCI in various partnerships for global cancer research and control. By engaging with key global health partners, CGH serves as a global health resource across NCI and the National Institutes of Health, NCI-Designated Cancer Centers, and other organizations and countries.  

  • Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research (ASGCR)

    The Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research (ASGCR) is the flagship meeting of NCI’s Center for Global Health (CGH). Every year, researchers, clinicians, program implementers, and advocates come together to discuss trends in global cancer research and control and map out collaborative efforts to move the field forward.

  • Global Oncology Survey of NCI-Designated Cancer Centers

    The Global Oncology Survey of NCI-Designated Cancer Centers compiles data on the state of global oncology and cancer research. See past survey results reported by the Center for Global Health (CGH) that show priorities and trends, such as the need for increased training, research, and funding in low- and middle-income countries.

  • International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP)

    The International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) brings organizations together to coordinate efforts in support of countries as they develop and implement evidence-based national cancer control plans. ICCP is co-convened by the Center for Global Health (CGH) and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). 

  • International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP)

    The International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP) brings together 173 government, public, and nonprofit international funding organizations to enable global project collaboration, form partnerships, assess cancer research trends, and share information on cancer research.

  • International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN)

    The International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN) unites cancer screening experts worldwide for collaborative research and implementation of evidence-based cancer screening. ICSN shares expertise through workshops, conferences, and scientific papers.

  • NCI Project ECHO® Program

    The NCI Project ECHO Program is an online knowledge sharing platform that allows researchers and program implementers equitable access to information and resources to advance global cancer control.

  • World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Global Cancer Control

    The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) have designated the Center for Global Health (CGH) as the only WHO collaborating center dedicated to global cancer control, to support activities and technical advice for WHO’s cancer control goals.

  • Women, Power, and Cancer: A Lancet Commission

    This page includes content about the Lancet Commission on Women, Power, and Cancer and the Center for Global Health’s involvement in the Commission.
