Finished with Rare Brain or Spine Tumor Treatment
When you have completed cancer treatment, ask your doctor for a summary of your care and a follow-up care plan. Your doctor may refer to this plan as your survivorship care plan.
Survivorship Care Plan
Your survivorship care plan should include how often you have diagnostic tests and follow-up visits. At these visits, your health care team will examine you, ask questions about your health, and take a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan or a computerized tomography (CT) scan. Your health care team is watching for any changes for signs that your tumor has come back. They will also help you manage any treatment side effects.
A rare brain or spine tumor can continue to affect your life even after your treatment ends. You may be adjusting to a new normal or living with physical and cognitive changes. You may also constantly fear that your tumor will return. Living with worries and anxieties can be challenging for you and your loved ones. Explore the following resources to help transition to a new normal.