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Developing Capacity to Strengthen Global Cancer Research Environments

The NCI’s Global Training for Research in Cancer (GlobTRC) program aims to address the capacity gap that exists in research environments, particularly in LMICs. The program utilizes the NIH D43 funding mechanism to support collaborations between U.S.-based cancer research institutions and those in LMICs, providing global research training and building environments for locally relevant cancer research.

GlobTRC-supported training projects build on existing training infrastructure and research collaborations, leveraging these resources to expand the global cancer research workforce in both the United States and LMICs.

This program supports key elements of the NCI Center for Global Health Strategic Plan, including leveraging global oncology activities at NCI-Designated Cancer Centers. It will also strengthen global cancer research training at NCI by synergizing with other NCI initiatives and the NIH-affiliated Fogarty International Center. This program is renamed the Global Training for Research in Cancer (GlobTRC).

The following table lists all the projects supported under the GlobTRC program. For more details, see the full funding opportunity announcement or contact Program Director, Dr. Sudha Sivaram.

Grant No. Title PIs Institutions Country
D43CA260658 Infection-Associated Cancer Research Training Program in Mali Lifang Hou; Mamoudou Manga Northwestern Univ., Chicago; Univ. of Science & Technologies of Bamako Mali
D43CA260640 Bidirectional Training to Enhance Cancer Research Capacity in Africa Timothy R. Rebbeck Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Institute Pour La Formatin, Dakar Senegal
D43CA260649 Ghana IntegRative Approach to Cancer ResEarch Training: The Grace Program Kosj Yamoah; Anna R. Guiliano; Joel Yarney H.Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Res. Inst.; Univ. of Ghana Med. School, Accra Ghana
D43CA260641 Malawi Cancer Outcomes Research Program (M-CORP) Yuri Fedoriw; Lameck Chinula Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of Malawi Malawi
D43CA260869 UC Davis Multi-Disciplinary Cancer Research Training Program to Advance Precision Cancer Prevention and Care in Latin America Luis Carvajal Carmona; Laura Fejerman Univ. of California at Davis; Ayudas Diadnostics Sura, Bogota; Instituto Nacional de Cancerlogia, Ibaque; Universidad Peruana Cayentano Heredia, Lima Peru, Colombia
D43CA260646 Expanding Cancer Research Capacity in Nigeria with Team Science Peter T. Kingham; Olusegun Isaac Alatis Sloan-Kettering Inst Cancer Research; Obafemi Awolowo Univ., Lfe-lfe Nigeria
D43CA260656 Cancer Genomics and Genomic Data Science for East Africa Edus Houston Warren; Jackson Orem Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center; Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute of Uganda Uganda
D43CA270474 Vanderbilt-Zambia Cancer Research Training Program (VZCARE) Xiao-Ou Shu; Douglas Corbett; Wilbroad Mutale Vanderbilt Iniv Medical Center; University of Zambia, Lusaka Zambia

NCI’s Mentored Research Administrative Supplement Awards

An NIH Administrative supplement award is a non-competing award that provides additional funding to a currently funded grant to meet increased costs that are within the scope of the approved project. Supplement awards typically are one-to-two-year additional funding support. From time to time, depending on availability of funding, CGH announces this supplement funding opportunity so that existing NCI research projects and their lead investigators can offer training to LMIC-based scientists in area of research that are already ongoing in the parent grant. 

How to Apply

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact us with questions. Please email the Center for Global Health and include NCI’s Mentored Research Administrative Supplement Awards in the subject line. As this is a program that depends on availability of funds, these are issued from time to time.

Global Cancer Research Education Opportunities

From time to time, there are opportunities available for specified areas of global cancer research education such as workshop development, support of travel for LMIC training, or professional development courses (such as grant writing).

How to Apply

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact us with questions. Please email the Center for Global Health and include Global Cancer Research Education Opportunities in the subject line. As this is a program that depends on availability of funds, this is not a standing program.

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