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Evaluation Framework for the Center for Global Health


To ensure progress, the Center for Global Health (CGH) continuously monitors and evaluates its activities to assess impact and effectiveness in advancing global cancer research and control.

Evaluation Guidelines

CGH uses an improvement-oriented evaluation framework to enhance the quality of its research and training programs, dissemination activities, strategic priorities, and partnerships. It does this by

  • establishing specific indicators for program-specific goals, relevant to CGH goals and values
  • monitoring programs, activities, and partnerships for progress toward goals
  • measuring effectiveness with strategic quantitative metrics as well as qualitative impacts
  • analyzing results to determine how effectively processes worked and how they might be improved in future iterations of the program
  • reflexively applying findings to program implementation throughout tracking process
  • evaluating outcomes and long-term impacts
  • communicating the findings within the larger global cancer research, training, and cancer control community

The CGH Evaluation Model

Table showing the evaluation goals and objectives as they relate to the CGH mission, organized by science and service.  Objectives of science include; process evaluation, outcome, and impact.  Objective of service is dissemination.

Evaluation at CGH aligns with the center’s mission, vision, and goals and is guided by the values of impact, collaboration, and equity. As part of a federal agency, CGH is responsible to the U.S. government, U.S. public, CGH grantees, and national and international partners. This is demonstrated in the evaluation of global cancer research and training activities and dissemination of these findings to advance the CGH mission.  

How to Connect

CGH plays an active role in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Planning and Evaluation Community of Practice and collaborates with other members to access validated evaluation tools, identify appropriate metrics, and link those metrics with data sources. 

CGH collaborates with NCI’s Center for Research Strategy, who provide guidance on identifying and developing metrics to monitor and evaluate CGH goal areas.

For information regarding evaluation at CGH, please contact Ms. Leshia Hansen.

  • Updated:

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