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Thoracic Malignancy Steering Committee

The NCI Thoracic Malignancy Steering Committee (TMSC) was established in 2008. At monthly meetings, the TMSC addresses the design, prioritization, and evaluation of concepts for phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials in chest malignancies. In addition to focusing on lung cancer, the TMSC addresses oncology trials in other thoracic sites, such as mesothelioma. Carcinoid tumor (functional and non-functional) and esophageal cancer trials are reviewed by the Gastrointestinal Steering Committee. View the TMSC member roster as of November 04, 2024.

Clinical Trial Planning Meetings (CTPMs)

CTPMs are held periodically and focus on specific clinical trial related topics. The following are important TMSC CTPMs:


For more information, contact NCI CCCT Program Director, Mehrdad Mohseni, M.D. at
