Lymphoma Steering Committee
The NCI Lymphoma Steering Committee (LYSC) was established in 2009. At monthly meetings, it addresses the design, prioritization, and evaluation of concepts for phase II and phase III clinical trials in adult lymphoma. View the LYSC member roster as of November 04, 2024.
Clinical Trials Planning Meetings (CTPMs)
CTPMs are held periodically and focus on specific clinical trial related topics. The following are important LYSC CTPMs:
- Lymphoma - November 2014
A CTPM was organized to discuss current understanding of the major lymphoma subtypes, to identify unmet needs in the treatment of those diseases, and chart the clinical research agenda in lymphoma for the next five years. Read the executive summary and the following publications that are important outcomes of this CTPM:- T-Cell Lymphoma: Recent Advances in Characterization and New Opportunities for Treatment - Casulo et al., JNCI J 2017
- Hodgkin Lymphoma: Current Status and Clinical Trial Recommendations - Diefenbach et al., JNCI J 2017
- Recommendations for Clinical Trial Development in Follicular Lymphoma - Maddocks et al., JNCI J 2017
- Recommendations for Clinical Trial Development in Mantle Cell Lymphoma - Spurgeon et al., JNCI J 2017
- Beyond RCHOP: A Blueprint for Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Research - Nowakowski et al., JNCI J 2016
- General Biomarker Recommendations for Lymphoma - Rimsza et. al., JNCI J 2016
For more information, contact NCI CCCT Program Director, Elena Schwartz, Ph.D. at