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An official website of the United States government

Office of Acquisitions (OA)

Close-up of a contract being signed

The National Cancer Institute's Office of Acquisitions (OA) negotiates, awards, and administers contracts and simplified acquisitions in support of NCI’s mission to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. OA conducts acquisitions for research and development services, non-research and development services, and supplies.

In Fiscal Year 2024, the Office of Acquisitions executed 3,038 contract actions, obligating more than $1.51 billion.

  • Icon of a document being signed

    Contracting Opportunities

    Explore the different ways to find NCI contracting and subcontracting opportunities, as well as upcoming small business events.

  • Exterior of the Frederick National Laboratory


    The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) is a government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO), federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) supported by a dedicated branch of the NCI Office of Acquisitions. The FNLCR is operated through NCI’s FFRDC contract.

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    Acquisition Resources

    Find helpful information relevant to federal contracting processes as conducted by NCI.

  • Icon of three people

    About the Office of Acquisitions

    Learn more about the Office of Acquisitions, its divisions, and how to contact the office.
