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Cancer Moonshot℠ - Obligations by Budget Mechanism

With over $124 million obligated for Cancer Moonshot activities in fiscal year 2023, funding was allocated into four budget mechanisms: research grants, research and development (R&D) contracts, intramural research, and research management and support, as shown in the chart below.

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Includes new obligations and recoveries from fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 carryover accounts. 

Fiscal Year 2023 Cancer Moonshot and Carryover: Obligations by Mechanism
 (Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Number Amount*
Research Project Grants (RPGs) Competing 17 $10,107,821
Noncompeting 27 $23,509,144
Administrative Supplements 0 $4,429,604
Subtotal, without SBIR 39 $38,046,569
SBIR/STTR Grants 2 $947,801
Subtotal, RPGs 46 $38,994,370
Centers Cancer Centers Grants-P30s 0 $3,269,673
P50s 11 $11,971,432
Cooperative Agreements-U54s/U41s 10 $7,502,754
Subtotal, Centers 21 $22,743,859
Other Research Resource Grants-U24s/U2Cs 13


Subtotal, Other Research 13


Subtotal, Research Grants   84


Intramural Research IR Program 0


Research Management & Support RMS 0


R&D Contracts R&D Contracts 14


SBIR/STTR Contracts 3


Subtotal, R&D Contracts 17




* Includes new obligations and recoveries from fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 carryover accounts.  

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