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About the Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal

Each fiscal year, NCI is required to prepare for the President and Congress its best professional judgment on the optimum funding needed to make the most rapid progress against cancer.

The cancer research community—under NCI’s leadership—is on the verge of pivotal advances in oncology. Additional funding is needed to pursue promising research opportunities that will improve our understanding of cancer and bring the benefits of cancer research to the public.

Illustration depicting a silhouette of ten people with different ages, backgrounds, and abilities in front of a centrally illuminated blue and red background. A connected series of people icons throughout the image represents data collected from individuals and groups.

NCI Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal

The NCI FY26 Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal is available now and provides an overview of the promising research areas for which additional funding will be important for the nation to make more progress against cancer.

NCI FY26 Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal At-a-Glance PDF


Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal Archive

View and download previous NCI Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposals.

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