Resources for International Partners
NCI collaborates with foreign governments, non-governmental organizations, and other U.S. government agencies to address the challenges of cancer research and reduce the global burden of cancer.
Cancer Planning and Control
Find resources aimed at reducing the burden of cancer in a population.
- International Cancer Control Partnership Portal
- International Cancer Research Partnership
- International Research on Tobacco Use
- Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health: A Global Perspective
Collaborate with investigators, advocates, and community groups.
- African Esophageal Cancer Consortium (AfrECC)
- Assay Portal
- International Cancer Proteogenome Consortium
- International Cancer Screening Network
- The International Consortium for the Investigation of Renal Malignancies (I-ConFIRM)
- International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium
- NCI Cohort Consortium Membership
NCI Divisions, Offices, and Centers
Contact NCI program staff or learn more about the work of the following divisions engaged in global efforts to reduce cancer.
- Center for Global Health
- Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences: Research Grants Portfolio
- Divison of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics: Our Research
- Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program: Global Health and Cancer Epidemiology
To explore the work of all NCI Divisions, Offices, and Centers, visit our NCI Organization page.
Communications Support
Enhance your communications plans and programs.
- Making Health Communication Programs Work (Pink Book)
- Making Data Talk: A Workbook
- PDQ® - NCI's Comprehensive Database
Training and Education
Further your knowledge with intramural training and continuing education opportunities.
Cancer MoonshotSM
Learn more about the goals and approaches of the Cancer MoonshotSM initiative.