Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Cancer Research

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have converged to rapidly accelerate activity across the cancer research spectrum. AI can create new models of care, as well as advance our knowledge of cancer biology, in an ever-expanding world of technology.
NCI supports many projects and activities, including funding opportunities and engaging the cancer research and AI communities to help realize the promise of AI in cancer research and care. Extramural researchers are encouraged to check out NCI funding opportunities and resources, as well as the latest seminars and workshops.
Funding Opportunities: AI in Cancer Research
NCI funds and supports extramural research to advance the use of AI in cancer research. Find out more about funding opportunities and other ways to engage in advancing AI for cancer research.
Events: AI in Cancer Research
Discover upcoming and past seminars and workshops organized by NCI on AI in cancer research.
Resources and Tools: AI in Cancer Research
Access a wide-ranging collection of NCI-supported resources and tools specific to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.
Research Highlights: AI in Cancer Research
Discover highlights of research conducted or funded by NCI to advance the use of AI to increase our knowledge of cancer and to improve clinical decision making and cancer care.