Jason Levine
- Associate Research Physician, Center for Cancer Research at NCI
- Associate Director, Center for Cancer Research Office of Information Technology at NCI
When Dr. Jason Levine isn’t running, cooking, or spending time with his children, he’s sitting at the intersection of childhood cancer care and data. As a pediatric oncologist, he works with all cancer divisions in his branch to understand what data his colleagues collect, how data are collected, and how to ease pain points to make data useful.
“We advance science when we come together to better understand and analyze all our patients in a group and share the data,” he said.
Jason marvels at the recent transformation in how data are collected, stored, and used. As the critical need to share data across institutions increases, he feels honored to help shape initiatives like CCDI. “NCI sits in this unique place of being able to coordinate efforts as big as CCDI,” Jason said. “The reality is nothing happens if CCDI doesn’t happen.”