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Statistical Tutorial

Two scientists at a lab setting looking at a computer. The female scientist is seated and the male scientist is standing and pointing to a specific area on the computer screen. The background is an amber tone and a microscope and flasks can be seen.
Credit: iStock


Recent advances in cancer biology have resulted in the need for increased statistical analysis of research data.  The ST course is designed as a follow up to Statistical Analysis of Research Data (SARD) held in January 2023. The tutorial will apply the general principles of statistical analysis of research data including descriptive statistics, z- and t-tests of means and mean differences, simple and multiple linear regression, ANOVA tests, and Chi-Squared distribution.

The tutorial will be held on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, from 1:00-4:00 PM at the National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 50, Room 1227. The participation of NIH clinical and postdoctoral fellows who need to conduct statistical analysis of research data is encouraged.

The Instructor

Paul Thurman, M.B.A. - Columbia University

Course Materials

Laptop Computer with Excel (Bring Your Own)


Registration is now OPEN.  The first 50 registrants will be accommodated. It is anticipated that registrants will have completed the Statistical Analysis of Research Data (SARD) course.  Registration will close on Tuesday, May 2, 2023


The statistical tutorial course will be held from 1:00-4:00 PM on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 in Bldg. 50, Room 1227.

More Information

Contact Dr. Terry Moody at or by phone at 240-276-7785.

Links and Related Training Opportunities

The NCI Center for Cancer Research Office of Training and Education is developing a curriculum for the training of NCI clinical and postdoctoral fellows. Translational research in clinical oncology (TRACO) is offered each fall. Each spring, Statistical Analysis of Research Data (SARD) is offered featuring univariate data analysis and bivariate data analysis. The Statistical Tutorial (ST) is being offered as a follow up to SARD. It will feature analysis of research data using Excel spreadsheets. Each registrant should bring a laptop computer to participate in the tutorial. For additional opportunities for postdoctoral training at NIH view

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