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Center for Cancer Training (CCT)

The mission of the NCI Center for Cancer Training (CCT) is to catalyze the development of a 21st century workforce capable of advancing cancer research through a scientifically integrated approach. This is accomplished by:

  • Coordinating and providing research training and career development activities for fellows and trainees in NCI's laboratories, clinics, and other research groups.
  • Developing, coordinating, and implementing opportunities in support of cancer research training, career development, and education at institutions nationwide.
  • Identifying workforce needs in cancer research and adapting NCI's training and career development programs and funding opportunities to address these needs.

See NCI's Center for Cancer Training Train for the Future brochure.

National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) Recognition

2024 NPA Sustaining Member Badge

National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) is a member-driven, nonprofit organization that provides a national voice for postdoctoral scholars. Both NCI and NIH are NPA Sustaining Members. In 2015, NCI’s Center for Cancer Training received the NPA Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes an individual or entity who has contributed to improving the postdoctoral experience. NCI is dedicated to building and training the next generation of cancer researchers.

The Offices and Branches within the Center for Cancer Training contribute to its mission: to teach the twenty-first century workforce how to take a multi-disciplinary, integrated, approach to cancer research and treatment.

Office of the Director (OD)

The OD oversees training and career development programs and promotes recruitment and retention activities for fellows within the NCI.

Office of Training and Education (OTE)

The OTE focuses on enhancing the overall training experience of intramural postdoctoral and clinical fellows, graduate students, postbaccalaureate fellows, and interns at NCI.

OTE Resources, Workshops, and Courses

Cancer Training Branch (CTB)

CCT's extramural training programs are administered by the CTB. The CTB administers training grants, fellowships, research career development awards, and cancer education grants. These comprise:

  • Individual training and career development awards for 1–6 years given to individuals working at universities and institutions
  • Institutional training awards that provide support for fellows and trainees at those institutions

Researchers at US colleges and universities are encouraged to apply.

CCT Extramural Training Awards

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