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K Grant Writing Workshop

Multiracial students sitting at desk writing on papers doing task
Credit: iStock

NIH fellows can apply for a Transition Career Development Award (K22) or Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00).  The NCI Center for Cancer Training (CCT) has developed a virtual K Grant Writing workshop to assist fellows preparing K22 or K99/R00 applications.   This free virtual workshop will be held from April 3 - May 30, 2025 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. usually on Thursday afternoon. Eight WebEx lectures will be given on grantsmanship, electronic submissions, K22 applications, K99/R00 applications, specific aims, candidate, significance/innovation and approach sections.  In addition, fellows can submit part of their application for peer review in class.

The workshop is hosted by Dr. Terry Moody who obtained his PhD at the California Institute of Technology.  After conducting a post-doctoral fellowship at the NIH, he joined the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology faculty at the George Washington University Medical Center. Dr. Moody had several R01 grant applications funded and served as a member of the NIH Study Section.  He became a Principal Investigator at the NCI in 1993 where he investigated the role of peptide growth factors in lung cancer cells.  


Registration is free.  Registration was limited and is now CLOSED.  WebEx details will be sent prior to the start of the workshop.

Program Schedule

Date and Time Building/Room Topic Speaker
April 3, 3:00pm WebEx K-Grant Overview Oliver Bogler
April 10, 3:00pm WebEx Specific Aims Terry Moody
April 17, 3:00pm WebEx Electronic Submissions Olivia Moore
April 24, 2025 NO CLASS N/A N/A
May 1, 3:00pm WebEx K22 applications Sonia Jakowlew
May 8, 3:00pm WebEx K99/R00 applications Michael Schmidt
May 15, 3:00pm WebEx Candidate Section Terry Moody
May 22, 3:00pm WebEx Significance/Innovation Terry Moody
May 29, 3:00pm WebEx Approach Section Terry Moody

Organizing Committee

  • Terry Moody, Ph.D.
  • Oliver Bogler, Ph.D.
  • Chanelle Case Borden, Ph.D.

More Information

Contact Dr. Terry Moody at  or by phone at 240-276-7785.

Related Training Opportunities

This course is part of an ongoing training curriculum for NCI clinical and postdoctoral fellows. Each fall CCT offers the Translational Research in Clinical Oncology (TRACO) course, hosted by Dr. Terry Moody.  Another course, Demystifying Medicine is held each spring and is hosted by Dr Irwin Arias. To learn about additional training opportunities at NIH, visit

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