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Introducing the Personal Genomics Podcast

, by Peggy I. Wang

Silhouette a person looking into a microscope. NIH National Cancer Institute: Personal Genomics

On the Personal Genomics podcast, real people tell their personal stories about research.

We talk about the research findings, the cutting-edge technologies, and potential clinical benefits of a study. But rarely do we talk about what goes on in a researcher’s life to get to those findings.

In a new podcast called Personal Genomics, the Center for Cancer Genomics (CCG) is bringing you behind-the-scenes stories told by real researchers.

In the inaugural episode, CCG’s own director Lou Staudt tells the story of his first cancer genomics study. Lou describes diving into the world of cancer research while knowing nearly nothing about cancer, and the massive amount of work involved in building and using a new genome-scale tool—before the human reference genome was complete.

We’ll also hear about a life-changing, physically and mentally challenging experience that brought a microbiologist to precision oncology research. And in another episode, we’ll hear from researchers with families about their approach to parenting and working and some lessons they have learned over the years.

The Personal Genomics podcast will bring you researchers’ voices as they describe the funny, intimate, and consequential moments of their lives that are usually left out of scientific publications. And if you’re a researcher, we hope you’ll consider sharing your story, too.

Look for the first episode in about a week. Listen to the trailer and subscribe now.

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