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HIV and AIDS Research News & Events

At the present time, all NIH-sponsored meetings are cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Learn about upcoming meetings relevant to HIV malignancies and recent news about NCI HIV/AIDS and HIV malignancy research.


19th International Conference on Malignancies in HIV/AIDS (ICMH)
October 24-25, 2024
Abstract deadline is August 16, 2024, 5 PM local time (1700 hr)
Natcher Conference Center, NIH
Bethesda, Maryland


NCI researchers and the Immunotherapy Trials Network 12 demonstrated the safety of pembrolizumab HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma (KS). Pembrolizumab use also resulted in a high rate of durable responses HIV-associated KS.
Cancer Immunotherapy Trials Network 12: Pembrolizumab in HIV-Associated Kaposi Sarcoma
October 2024

OHAM supported investigators recently published a study that provides the highest resolution mapping of antigenicity across the entire KSHV proteome.
Antibody profiling and predictive modeling discrimination between Kaposi sarcoma and asymptomatic KSHV infection
February 2024

On September 28, 2023 Dr. Robert Yarchoan received a Career Achievement Award from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Dr. Yarchoan was recognized for his career in HIV/AIDS research, including developing effective therapies for HIV/AIDS-related malignancies and playing a major role in the development of effective therapies for HIV infection.

Dr. Robert Yarchoan delivers an opening plenary at the 2023 AACR meeting. He provided an overview of the history of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) diseases in people living with HIV. The plenary also discussed the advances in treating these diseases.
Malignancies in People with HIV: Successes and Challenges at the Intersection of Virology, Immunology, and Oncology
April 2023

Anal cancer diagnosis in the United States increased  in men aged 50 and older.
State Variation in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the  Anus Incidence and Mortality, and Association With HIV/AIDS and Smoking in the United States
February 2023

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