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Basic and Translational Disparities Research Funding

CRCHD supports the following basic and translational research funding opportunities to increase scientific understanding of cancer as well as reduce cancer health disparities. 

Basic Cancer Biology Research

Basic cancer research focuses on biological mechanisms related to cancer.

CRCHD offers three funding opportunities which focus on investigating biological variations across racially and ethnically diverse populations that may contribute to cancer disparities directly or in conjunction with environmental exposures. 


Title Application Due Date & Purpose

Exploratory/Developmental Grants Program for Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Due Dates: February 5, 2025, June 5, 2025, October 5, 2025, February 5, 2026, June 5, 2026, October 5, 2026, February 5, 2027, June 5, 2027, October 5, 2027

Supports basic research innovative studies designed to investigate biological/genetic bases of cancer disparities.

*Note: Early-stage investigators who receive an R01 award are eligible to have their grant transitioned to an R37 award and, as a result, have the opportunity to have their funding extended by up to two years. Learn more about the R37 award.

Exploratory/Developmental Grants Program for Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


Due Dates: February 16, 2025, June 16, 2025, October 16, 2025, February 16, 2026, June 16, 2026, October 16, 2026, February 16, 2027, June 16, 2027, October 16, 2027

Supports basic research pilot and feasibility studies on the biological/genetic causes and mechanisms of cancer health disparities

Integrating Health Disparities into Immuno-Oncology (HDIO) (P20 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Supports planning and feasibility studies to integrate cancer health disparities into immuno-oncology research studies. This FOA is expected to enable complementary, multi-disciplinary research teams to address interdisciplinary research to integrate cancer health disparities into immuno-oncology research. It is anticipated these feasibility or pilot studies will support the exploration of novel or high-risk research hypotheses.

Translational Cancer Research

Translational research focuses on moving basic research findings into the clinic to advance cancer therapy.

CRCHD offers the following translational research funding opportunities which focus on reducing cancer health disparities.

Title Purpose

Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) Development and Trial Centers (PDTCs) (U54)

The PDXNet coordinates collaborative, large-scale development and pre-clinical testing of targeted therapeutic agents in patient-derived models to advance the vision of cancer precision medicine.

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