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Health Disparities Resources

NCI Disparities

Resources for Cancer Disparities Researchers

  • Resources for Cancer Disparities Researchers
    Features 30 resources relevant to Cancer Health Disparities, organized by Basic/Translational/Preclinical Resources (Wet Lab Resources) and Population/Epidemiology Resources (Computer-Based Resources).

NIH/NCI Cancer Health Disparities Research Programs

The following programs and organizations help support NCI’s mission to reduce and eliminate cancer health disparities. Check out the About NCI page for a complete listing of NCI’s organizations.

  • CRCHD’s Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE)
    Program that enables institutions serving underserved health disparity populations and underrepresented students and NCI-designated Cancer Centers to train scientists from diverse backgrounds in cancer research and to effectively deliver cancer advances to racially and ethnically diverse communities.
  • National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Programs
    The NIMHD oversees numerous programs that are central to NIH’s mission of uncovering knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone.
  • NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP)
    Community-based program that aims to bring cancer clinical trials, as well as cancer care delivery research, to individuals in their own communities, thereby generating a broadly applicable evidence base that contributes to improved patient outcomes and a reduction in cancer disparities.
  • NIH Office of Research on Women's Health
    Works in partnership with the 27 NIH institutes and centers to ensure that women’s health research is part of the scientific framework at the NIH and throughout the scientific community.

Resources for Patients and Families

The following are useful links for patients and families seeking information about cancer and cancer care for racially and ethnically diverse audiences. Find additional resources for patients and families on the NCI Cancer Topics page or in NCI Publications.

Breast Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Lung Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Clinical Trials

Coping and Survivorship

African Americans

Hispanics & Latinos

Links to more than 160 resources in Spanish, including fact sheets, patient education booklets/pamphlets, videos, technical reports, and meeting summaries.

Native American

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