Cancer Clinical Trial Leadership and Management Program
Quick Facts
- Free, short U.S.-based training program for cancer clinical trials nurse managers from the island of Ireland
- Helps facilitate cross-border and transatlantic knowledge sharing as part of the All-Ireland Cancer Consortium (AICC)
- Participants spend time at NCI and have the opportunity to tour the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, review education offerings, and meet with representatives from NCI's Center for Cancer Research, Office of Communications and Education, and Division of Cancer Prevention
- For those from the Republic of Ireland, the Health Research Board (HRB) offers a grant toward travel, accommodation, and subsistence
- Areas of focus include:
- Quality control and internal audit procedures
- Trial staffing and protocol adherence
- Clinical Research Nursing career paths
- Specific items of interest depending on the participant's individual objectives for the program
- In addition to training at NCI, the nurse managers visit Georgetown University Medical Center and meet with the research nurse manager from Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center and the nurse manager from Georgetown's Clinical Research Unit
- You must be a cancer clinical trials nurse manager from the island of Ireland
- Applications must come from targeted hospitals only - the call for applications is delivered in writing to eligible stakeholders
- Places will be allocated to those fitting the following criteria, listed in order of preference:
- Manage a team of cancer trial research nurses in one of the targeted hospitals
- Nurses with two years full-time experience in cancer trials, currently employed through ICORG-led trials and working in satellite cancer unit
Elisabeth Dupont
Center for Global Health
U.S. National Cancer Institute
c/o NCI-CGH Europe Liaison Office
Brussels, Belgium