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The National Cancer Grid, India - Eliminating Disparities in Cancer Care

Global Cancer Research and Control Seminar Series

July 13, 2021 | 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

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Dr. C S Pramesh is the Director of the Tata Memorial Hospital, Professor and Head of Thoracic Surgery at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, and convener of the National Cancer Grid (NCG), India. In this talk, Dr. Pramesh discussed the role and efforts of the NCG.  

The National Cancer Grid, India, is a large network of 244 cancer centers in India with a mandate to provide uniform standards of cancer care across the country. Dr. Pramesh is highly committed to efforts towards reducing inequities in cancer care and making cancer treatment accessible to all geographic regions and strata of society. He is also a visiting professor at the Division of Cancer Studies, King’s College London and the Institute of Cancer Policy, King’s Health Partners, London.  

Learn more about this work and the Global Cancer Research and Control Seminar Series.
