NCI at the Fred Hutch Global Oncology Virtual Lecture Series
October 18, 2021 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Virtual Lecture
Evolving and Prioritizing Global Health at the National Cancer Institute
Register now and join Dr. Satish Gopal for a Fred Hutch Global Oncology Lecture Series virtual presentation as he discusses NCI's global health progress, plans, and priorities.
The Center for Global Health (CGH) supports the NCI mission by advancing global cancer research and coordinating NCI engagement in global cancer control. CGH also represents NCI in international research partnerships, playing a key role in coordinating multinational research efforts for global benefit. Core values for CGH are impact, equity, and collaboration. These values inform CGH efforts to lead innovative, impactful programs with partners within and outside NCI. CGH goals are focused on research, research training, dissemination, and partnership, primarily in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
CGH was established in 2011 to incorporate cancer control into global health programs, foster relevant research activities throughout the NCI extramural and intramural divisions, and work closely with many potential collaborators having shared objectives. Much has been accomplished with respect to this original intent, and CGH remains committed to helping NCI maximize its global impact as CGH enters its second decade.