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Symptom Management and Health-Related Quality of Life Steering Committee

The Symptom Management and Health-Related Quality of Life Steering Committee (SxQoLSC) was established in April 2006. At monthly meetings, the SxQoLSC addresses the design, prioritization and evaluation of concepts for clinical trials to control cancer symptoms and cancer treatment side effects.

The core committee membership includes representatives from the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) Research Bases, R01 investigators, community oncologists, biostatisticians, patient advocates and NCI Staff. View the SxQoLSC member roster as of November 04, 2024.

Committee Activities

  • Evaluates and prioritizes symptom management intervention clinical trial concepts, including those with primary quality-of-life (QoL) endpoints, to be conducted through the NCORP mechanism
  • Evaluates studies with co-primary QoL endpoints in NCTN Group treatment studies
  • Develops criteria for concepts that are eligible for proposed Biomarker, Imaging, and Quality of Life Studies Funding Program (BIQSFP) funds
  • Convenes clinical trial planning meetings (CTPMs) to identify critical questions and prioritize key strategies related to side effects of cancer, cancer treatment and patients’ quality of life

A concept for a clinical trial contains scientific background, preliminary data, a hypothesis, and a plan for study implementation including statistical design. In December 2013, the SxQoLSC held a webinar on the required elements and statistical considerations for successful symptom management concepts.

Clinical Trials Planning Meetings (CTPMs)

CTPMs are held periodically and focus on specific clinical trial related topics. The following are important SxQoLSC CTPMs:


For more information, contact NCI CCCT Program Director, Mehrdad Mohseni, M.D. at
