Committees of Interest
Below are the specific committees that appropriate funds, authorize programs, or oversee activities of the National Cancer Institute.
Appropriations Committees
Appropriations committees provide the funding for federal programs.
Chair: Tom Cole – OK
Ranking: Rosa DeLauro – CT
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies
Chair: Robert Aderholt - AL
Ranking: Rosa DeLauro - CT
Chair: Susan Collins - ME
Ranking: Patty Murray - WA
Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies
Chair: Shelley Moore Capito - WV
Ranking: Tammy Baldwin - WI
Authorizing Committees
Authorizing committees write laws that either create new or renew existing federal programs.
Committee on Energy and Commerce
Chair: Brett Guthrie - KY
Ranking: Frank Pallone, Jr. - NJ
Chair: Earl "Buddy" Carter – GA
Ranking: Diana DeGette - CO
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions
Chair: Bill Cassidy - LA
Ranking: Bernie Sanders - VT
Oversight Committees
Oversight committees conduct audits on federal programs to ensure that the public trust is not misused or broken.
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Chair: James Comer - KY
Ranking: Gerry Connolly – VA
Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Chair: Gary Palmer – AL
Ranking: Yvette Clarke - NY
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Chair: Rand Paul - KY
Ranking: Gary Peters - MI