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Grants Management Contacts

Scientific Questions?

View a list of NCI Program Director Contacts on the Research Program Contacts page.

NCI assigns a Grants Management Specialist (GMS) to each grant or institution. Your GMS is your primary contact for business-related activities associated with the negotiation, award, and administration of your NCI grants and cooperative agreements.

Grant or Institution Inquiries: Grants Management Specialist (GMS)

You are encouraged to contact your GMS with any questions you may have about your NCI grant-related issues.

Find Your GMS Contact

The eRA Commons Status page lists the name and contact information for your current Grants Management Specialist (GMS).

The name and contact information for your current GMS is listed on the Status screen of the eRA Commons, which you can access with the following steps:

  1. Log into eRA Commons.
  2. Select Status from the eRA Commons landing page or the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner.
  3. Under Contacts, find the name, phone number, and email address of the GMS assigned to your grant or institution.

Your Notice of Award also lists your GMS, but in some situations the contact may have changed post-award. You are encouraged to follow the steps above to identify the most current contact information.

View All GMS Contacts

Your GMS is a member of the NCI Office of Grants Administration (OGA). The OGA Staff page includes an organizational chart with email contact information for all staff and management.

General Inquiries: Contact the OGA Business Operations Branch

Please email the OGA Business Operations Branch if you are unable to identify your GMS or if you have general inquiries.

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