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Scientific Steering Committees

Scientific Steering Committees (SSCs) are composed of leading cancer experts, community oncologists, biostatisticians, translational scientists, and advocates as well as NCI senior investigators.

View the Clinical Trial Concept Submission Guidelines and the 2025 SSC meeting and concept submission deadline schedule.

  • NCTN Steering Committees

    National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) Steering Committees

    The National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) Steering Committees review concepts for large phase 2 or phase 3 treatment or imaging trials conducted in the NCTN. A concept is a proposal describing the key design elements of the study.

  • Investigational Drug Steering Committee

    Investigational Drug Steering Committee

    The IDSC collaborates with NCI in the design and prioritization of early phase drug development trials conducted by the Experimental Therapeutics Clinical Trials Network (ETCTN).

  • NCORP Steering Committee

    NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) - Cancer Control Steering Committees

    The NCORP Steering Committees review concepts for clinical trials to control cancer symptoms and cancer treatment side effects, concepts for studies of cancer care delivery, and cancer prevention, screening, and surveillance concepts.

  • Patient Advocate Steering Committee

    Patient Advocates

    The PASC works to ensure advocates involved with SSCs are completely integrated in the development, implementation, and monitoring of clinical trials within those groups.
