NCI Fiscal Year 2026 Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal

Illustration depicting a silhouette of ten people with different ages, backgrounds, and abilities in front of a centrally illuminated blue and red background. A connected series of people icons throughout the image represents data collected from individuals and groups.

Leading Progress Against Cancer

Proposal at a Glance
Diagram with icons depicting components of the cancer research continuum and their connection to the training and research infrastructure.

NCI Research Portfolio: Driving Cancer Discoveries

NCI invests in a broad portfolio of research, supports the cancer workforce, and sustains research infrastructure.

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Collage of smiling young adults sitting at a dining table, a doctor in a white lab coat holding a notebook below five scanned body part images suspended in air,  a man and a woman sitting across from a professional who is holding a document and providing information in an office and a person with blue gloves and a white lab coat arranging a row of vaccine vials.

Highlighted Scientific Opportunities in Cancer Research

NCI highlights four areas of scientific opportunity for fiscal year 2026.

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