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University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center

Comprehensive Cancer Center

Howard Bailey, M.D., Director

Madison, Wisconsin

General Information: (608) 263-8600

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The University of Wisconsin (UW) Carbone Cancer Center has been an NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center since 1973. UW Carbone is an integral part of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health and UW Health, bringing together more than 330 physicians and scientists from 50 departments and nine schools to conduct research and translate laboratory discoveries into new patient treatments.

UW Carbone is a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium.

Research at UW Carbone

UW Carbone’s scientific mission is organized around six scientific programs that foster dynamic interactions, the generation of ideas, and new applications for cancer treatment and prevention. These programs encompass laboratory research, clinical research, population sciences, and advanced research training:

  • The Cancer Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms pursues basic and translational research to discover novel cancer genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, to translate mechanistic insights derived principally from mouse models and primary human cancer samples to human cancer, and to leverage the mechanistic insights to advance cancer diagnosis and treatment.
  • The Cancer Prevention and Control Program’s mission is to identify effective approaches to reduce the burden of cancer for patients, their families, and communities through improved prevention, early detection, and survival.
  • The Developmental Therapeutics Program aims to discover new targets and therapeutic agents, translate and advance these discoveries through clinical trials, and use information and resources from these clinical trials to understand mechanisms of response and resistance toward potentially superior therapeutic approaches.
  • The Human Cancer Virology Program focuses its research on the role human viruses play in cancer. Recent research in this program shows that, for many virus-associated cancers, viral gene functions are required both for tumor development and for continued survival of malignant cells in the final tumor.
  • The Imaging and Radiation Sciences Program pursues basic, translational, and clinical research involving ionizing and nonionizing radiation in the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of cancer. The program has a strongly integrated scope in three major areas: imaging sciences, radiation sciences, and imaging/therapy synergies.
  • The Tumor Microenvironment Program capitalizes on research focused on cell–extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions, ECM structure and function, tumor cell migration and invasion, cell–cell adhesion, paracrine signaling between tumor and stromal cells, immune cell trafficking into tumors, tumor angiogenesis, metabolism, and development of in vitro models.

Select Scientific Initiatives at UW Carbone

  • The Cancer Health Disparities Initiative seeks to increase the community and UW Carbone’s capacity to reduce inequities in cancer burden through research, outreach, and education.
  • The Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention (UW-CTRI) is nationally recognized for ground-breaking tobacco research that is translated into treatment for tobacco addiction. Beyond studying ways to improve cessation, other studies at UW-CTRI are looking at how to improve the effectiveness of community, state, and national responses to reduce the emotional, physical, and financial consequences of smoking.
  • Through the Rural Cancer Disparities Project, outreach staff work with rural communities in the UW Carbone catchment area to promote cancer education and control activities and increase rural patients' access to timely and appropriate screening, treatment, supportive care, and clinical trials.
  • The Spirit of EAGLES addresses comprehensive cancer control among American Indians through partnerships with tribes, the Network for Cancer Control Research Among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations, multiple cancer centers, the American Cancer Society, and many other partners. This program serves native communities in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
  • The Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Program is a partnership model between UW Carbone and the Wisconsin Division of Public Health that works to engage public, private, and community partners to develop, implement, and promote a statewide approach to cancer control.
  • The Wisconsin Cancer Council, the partnership arm of the Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, is a coalition of more than 90 state, regional, and local organizations dedicated to the development and coordination of a comprehensive cancer control program in Wisconsin.

* This profile was provided by UW Carbone Cancer Center.

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