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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cancer Center

Basic Laboratory Cancer Center

David Tuveson, M.D., Ph.D, Director

Cold Spring Harbor, New York

Main: (516) 367-8800

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The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Cancer Center is a basic research facility committed to exploring the fundamental biology of human cancer. As an NCI-Designated Cancer Center since 1987, CSHL researchers have used a focused, multidisciplinary approach to break new ground in basic tumor biology and develop innovative, advanced technologies.

The cancer center is expanding translational research through strong collaborations with clinical partners, including a local affiliation with Northwell Health, and additional engagements with other US Cancer Centers and Hospitals. The CSHL Cancer Center is making discoveries in cancer biology that are leading to the development of treatments and diagnostics for cancer patients.

Research at CSHL Cancer Center

Research at the CSHL Cancer Center is focused on basic discovery science that reveals underlying principles of how cells grow and divide. The center’s strengths in molecular biology and biochemistry are combined with the latest in genomic technologies, quantitative biology, and cancer model development to identify new paths to cancer treatment and diagnostics. CSHL researchers are supported by ten shared resources that offer access to equipment and expertise, accelerating the pace of science. The center is committed to thoughtful and creative collaborations that enable the innovative application of basic scientific discoveries to clinical problems.

Select Scientific Initiatives at CSHL Cancer Center

Researchers at the CSHL Cancer Center are using cutting-edge technology in collaborative studies to explore the basic biology underlying the disease. Broadly, research at the center falls into the following programs:

  • Members of the Cancer Genetics and Genomics (CGG) Program aim to advance the understanding of the cancer genome and utilize novel insights in cancer genomics to enhance patient outcomes. Their research focuses on developing cancer genome and transcriptome profiling technologies, creating computational tools and resources for interpreting the genomes and transcriptomes of neoplastic cells and stromal cells, and implementing high-throughput genetic screening technologies to comprehensively map cancer dependencies.
  • Members of the Cellular Communication in Cancer (CCC) Program investigate the molecular signals within cancer cells and between cancer cells and nearby stromal cells that promote disease pathogenesis. Their research encompasses identifying and targeting signaling pathways in cancer using advanced model systems and novel chemistry approaches, elucidating and targeting interactions between tumors and their host environment, and understanding cancer within the context of the entire body.
  • Members of the Gene Regulation and Inheritance (GRI) Program are dedicated to uncovering the mechanisms that govern cell state inheritance and transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, particularly how these processes are altered in cancer cells. Their research centers on elucidating the fundamental mechanisms regulating non-coding RNAs, transcription, and cell inheritance; determining how transcriptional and post-transcriptional controls are dysregulated in cancer; and developing therapeutic agents and biological systems to target pro-tumorigenic alterations in transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulators.

In addition, CSHL enhances productivity through its ten Shared Resources, which provide greater access to technologies, services, and expertise. These resources foster a strong collaborative environment and facilitate open communication, driving progress in cancer diagnostics and treatment.

* Information on this profile was provided by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cancer Center.

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