Cancer Moonshot℠ Funding Opportunity Resources

In response to recommendations provided in the Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) report, NCI established implementation teams to consider multiple ways to fund Cancer Moonshot–related research. The teams have identified the following nine upcoming scientific opportunities that directly address the goals of the Cancer Moonshot.

These funding opportunities are now available. We encourage you to sign up to receive automatic updates for the latest information about these funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), particularly the announcement of pre-application webinars.

Immuno-Oncology Translational Network (IOTN)

Immuno-oncology Translational Network (IOTN)

This FOA will establish a Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium (CIC) to facilitate multidisciplinary, collaborative approaches to accelerate understanding of the tumor immune microenvironment at different stages of tumor progression and in response to intervention. An immunoprevention component will also develop vaccine strategies with the goal of preventing cancers before they occur. Other components include a Data Registry and Biorepository to accelerate optimization of cell-based immunotherapies to impact cancers with a low mutation burden and a Data Management and Resource Sharing Center (DMRC) to provide overall support and integrate the CIC and Data Registry and Biorepository with other NCI programs. The goal of the IOTN is to provide a systematic and comprehensive understanding of immune cell–tumor interactions across multiple major human cancers, both “hot” and “cold” to define how tumor cells alter immune cell function to generate immunosuppressive tumor–promoting environments and how to reprogram either specific immune cells or the cancer microenvironment, in general, to promote anti-tumor immune responses.

View or download the Immuno-Oncology Translational Network (IOTN) (U24 and U01) Pre-Application Webinar slides (PDF).

Pediatric Immunotherapy Discovery and Development Network (PI-DDN)

Pediatric Immunotherapy Discovery and Development Network

These FOAs will seek to establish a collaborative research network to identify and advance research opportunities for translating immunotherapy concepts for children and adolescents with cancer toward clinical applications. The goals of the network and potential areas of focus will include identifying new targets for immunotherapies, developing new pediatric immunotherapy treatment approaches (e.g., cancer vaccines, cellular therapy, combinations of immunotherapy agents, and others), and defining the biological mechanisms by which pediatric tumors evade the immune system.

View or download the Pediatric Immunotherapy Discovery and Development Network (U54 and U01) Pre-Application Webinar slides (PDF).

Collaborative Research Network for Fusion Oncoproteins in Childhood Cancers

Collaborative Research Network for Fusion Oncoprotein in Childhood Cancers

This FOA will establish a multidisciplinary, collaborative network of investigators to advance our understanding of the mechanisms of action of fusion oncoproteins in pediatric cancers and use this information to develop targeted therapeutics. Applications of interest would develop multidisciplinary and ideally multi-institutional research centers focused on select fusion oncoproteins implicated in childhood cancers that have a high risk of treatment failure and for which there has been little progress in identifying targeted agents. Each team should have a comprehensive research plan that includes both investigation into biological mechanisms of tumorgenesis and the development of targeted therapeutics. Research projects may include, but are not limited to the following: The development of faithful models of fusion-driven childhood cancers, the identification of the critical dependencies created by fusion oncoproteins, studies to increase the knowledge of the binding partners of fusion oncoproteins and the pathways by which they influence gene expression and development programs, and the identification of small molecules with potential therapeutic value.

View or download the Fusion Oncoproteins in Childhood Cancers Consortium (U54) Pre-Application Webinar slides (PDF).

Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) and Patient Reported Outcomes-CTCAE (PRO-CTCAE)

Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) & Patient Reported Outcomes-CTCAE (PRO-CTCAE)

This FOA seeks to stimulate the development of methods for analyzing PRO-CTCAE data in the context of cancer clinical trials and to create a consortium of funded investigators to share analytic approaches. This research would include the use of PRO-CTCAE data in conjunction with other relevant clinical trial data (CTCAE, clinical, pharmacokinetic) to improve understanding of tolerability, dose, and schedule optimization. In addition, applications that are responsive to the FOA will propose novel analytic methods to analyze, interpret, or represent PRO-CTCAE and other data combinations that inform future study design.

View or download pre-application webinar slides and frequently asked questions:

Improving Management of Symptoms Across Cancer Treatments (IMPACT)

Improving Management of Symptoms Across Cancer Treatments (Impact)

The IMPACT FOA will create a network of research centers and a coordination center in which each research center is expected to deploy and test an integrated symptom assessment and management system in multiple clinical practices using a randomized design. The coordinating center will assist with integration of data and management of efforts across the research centers. The goals of IMPACT include: development of optimal models for monitoring and addressing symptoms in routine practice; examination of the impact of these models on symptom control, functioning, treatment delivery, and health care utilization; analysis of network-wide data to examine cross-cutting issues; and generation of findings and materials to support wider implementation.

Approaches to Identify and Care for Individuals with Inherited Cancer Syndromes

Approaches to Identify and Care for Individuals with Inherited Cancer Syndromes

This FOA will call for proposals that develop and test methods to improve ascertainment and delivery of evidence-based services for those with hereditary cancer syndromes while also encouraging the development of sustainable approaches in diverse health care settings and populations, and the identification of demonstration metrics for successful and sustainable ascertainment, consultation, and interpretation of genetic testing. This will require data sharing across funded sites and the general research community, evidence of research productivity and impact, an increase in implementation science applications addressing the totality of clinical care, evidence of increased and sustained referrals to genetic counseling that are clinically justified, and outreach to diverse patient populations.

Accelerating Colorectal Cancer Screening and Follow-Up through Implementation Science (ACCSIS)

Accelerating Colorectal Cancer Screening and Follow-Up Through Implementation Science (ACCSIS)

The ACCSIS FOA will help support several research grants and one coordinating center to test implementation strategies that substantially improve colorectal cancer (CRC) screening and follow-up rates in populations where baseline rates remain low, particularly among underserved groups (e.g., racial and ethnic minority populations, people living in rural or difficult-to-reach areas). This research will require a process for identifying local innovations in CRC screening and follow-up, testing multilevel implementation strategies, and disseminating study findings across participating institutions and relevant stakeholder groups.

View or download the Accelerating Colorectal Cancer Screening and Follow-Up Through Implementation Science (ACCSIS) Pre-Application Webinar slides (PDF).

Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN)

Human Tumor Atlas (HTA) Network

The Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) aims to build a preliminary set of human tumor atlases that describe the multidimensional cellular, morphological, and molecular mapping of human cancers over time for informing future cancer research and, ultimately, clinical decision-making. The HTAN will focus on longitudinal studies of precancer, metastasis, and drug resistance with an emphasis on collecting comprehensive clinical data. The tumor atlases generated by the HTAN will facilitate understanding of interactions within the multidimensional architecture of the tumor microenvironment, including the role of the immune system, normal cells, and noncellular components. For fiscal year 2018, the HTAN initiative includes FOAs for Human Tumor Atlas (HTA) and Pre-Cancer Atlas (PCA) Research Centers, and a Data Coordinating Center.

View or download pre-application webinar slides and frequently asked questions:

* Note: Slide 25 on sample patient consent forms has been updated since the live webinar.