Jeffrey D. Clogston, Ph.D.
Dr. Jeffrey D. Clogston is a Principal Scientist and the Head of the physicochemical characterization section at the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (NCL).
In his role, Dr. Clogston conducts physicochemical characterization and standardization of nanoparticles, develops new analytical methodology for critical quality attributes, and assesses current instrumentation for nanoparticle characterization. Dr. Clogston has been with the lab for over 15 years. During this time, Dr. Clogston has helped to establish many protocols for nanoparticle characterization, working collaboratively with experts at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and standards organizations such as ASTM International and International Organization for Standardization. Throughout his tenure, Dr. Clogston has published nearly 50 manuscripts describing new analytical techniques for various nanoparticle platforms, keeping pace with the quick evolution of the nanomedicine field.
Prior to joining the NCL in March 2006, Dr. Clogston received his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the Ohio State University. His research dissertation was on the application of the lipidic cubic phase for drug delivery, wastewater remediation, and membrane protein crystallization. His areas of expertise include physicochemical characterization of and in vitro release from lipid- and polymer-based drug delivery systems, development of novel analytical methodologies to address characterization challenges and gaps, and protein and lipid biochemistry.