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Social Media at NCI

NCI on Facebook

  • The National Cancer Institute: Provides an interactive way to find cancer information and share your perspective. The page includes discussions initiated by group members and links to NCI resources, as well as questions, comments and cancer news.
  • Smokefree Women: A place where women who are trying to quit smoking or remain smokefree can share information, encouragement, and support. The page builds upon resources available at

NCI on Instagram

NCI on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Company and Showcase Pages

NCI on YouTube

  • National Cancer Institute: Videos on this channel introduce you to research that NCI supports and connects you to our research-based information resources.
  • NCI Scientific Events and Resources: Videos in this channel feature highlights or full-length presentations from NCI-supported meetings and webinars. Some videos may feature NCI researchers at professional conferences as well.

NCI on X

NCI Leaders and Scientists X Accounts

  • @NCIDirector: Official X account of the Director of @theNCI. 

NCI Institute, Division, Office, and Center X Accounts

  • @theNCI: Latest developments from across NCI. Reposted highlights from the NCI feeds below.
  • @PresCancerPanel: Updates from the President's Cancer Panel.

Spanish-Language Social Media Accounts

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has a Spanish-language presence on Facebook and YouTube.


  • Instituto Nacional del Cáncer: NCI's Spanish Facebook page presents cancer information tailored to Spanish-speaking audiences. Visit our page to read the latest in cancer research news, learn about NCI's resources, and post your cancer-related questions and comments.


  • NCI's Spanish YouTube playlist: Features videos from across NCI on a wide range of topics, including awareness videos about several cancer types, an introduction to clinical trials and information about important NCI programs.