CSBC Investigator Highlights
Investigators of the Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (CSBC) are addressing the challenges of complexity in basic and translational cancer research through the explicit combination of experimental biology and computational modeling, multi-dimensional data analysis, and systems engineering.
Current CSBC Investigators
Dr. Andrea Califano Investigates Regulatory Mechanisms in Cancer Using Computational Algorithms and Biological Experiments
He discusses the development of systems biology software and his research focusing on master regulators of cancer.
Dr. Edgar Engleman: Advancing the Field of Cancer Immunology
He describes his immunotherapy studies, the role of mentorship in research, and the importance of cancer systems biology.
Dr. Stacey Finley Builds Computational Models to Understand and Exploit Metabolic Dependencies in Cancer
She discusses her views on computational systems biology and discusses her colorectal cancer research.
Dr. Trey Ideker: Mapping the Circuitry of a Cancer Cell
He describes his perspectives on systems biology and his research focusing on cancer cell mapping.
Dr. Trachette Jackson Uses Mathematical Modeling to Improve Treatment Strategies for Cancer
She discusses her scientific outreach activities, views on mathematical oncology, and her bladder cancer research.
Dr. Kevin Janes Uses Systems Biology to Answer Questions About Breast Cancer
He describes his views on mentorship and his breast cancer research.
Dr. Nevan Krogan: Generating a Map of Biological Networks in a Cancer Cell
He shares his perspectives on cancer systems biology and his research generating cancer cell maps.
Dr. Christina Leslie: Solving Cancer Biology Questions with Computational Models
She shares her career journey in computational biology and cancer systems immunology research.
Dr. Diana Murray Encourages Students to Consider Careers in Cancer Systems Biology
She shares her career journey, systems biology research, and the importance of educational outreach programs.
Dr. Sylvia Plevritis Engineers Analytical Approaches to Understand Cancer Metastasis
She describes her engineering background, views on cancer systems biology, and her work investigating metastasis.
Dr. Nathan Reticker-Flynn Follows the Beat of Biological Systems in Cancer
He discusses his views on cancer systems biology and his studies focusing on metastasis and immunotherapy.
Dr. Kai Tan Uses Systems Biology to Identify Targets for Combination Therapies
He describes his perspective on cancer systems biology and his childhood cancer research.
Past CSBC Investigators
Dr. Andrea Bild Enjoys the Challenging Terrain of Cancer Systems Biology
She shares her perspectives on cancer systems biology, tumor heterogeneity, and computational tools.
Dr. Joe Gray: A Nuclear Physicist Who Studies Tumor Heterogeneity
He describes his career journey in physics, challenges in cancer systems biology, and his breast cancer research.
Dr. Juan Fuxman Bass Uses Systems Biology to Understand Cancer-Specific Molecular Interactions
He shares his career journey, opportunities in cancer systems biology, and his breast cancer research.
Dr. Tim Huang Investigates Mechanisms of Cancer Using Single-Cell Technologies
He shares his career experiences, perspectives on systems biology, and his cancer research focusing on epigenomics.
Dr. Melissa Kemp Uses Computational Models to Understand Redox Metabolism in Cancer
She discusses her career journey, views on cancer systems biology, and research focusing on head and neck cancer.
Dr. Ellen Langer Differentiated from a Cell Biologist to an Expert in Tumor Heterogeneity
She describes her views on systems biology and her research investigating breast cancer heterogeneity.
Dr. Ken Lau Integrates Computational Algorithms with Developmental Biology to Study Cancer
He shares his views on training in systems biology and studies examining the role of cell lineage in cancer.
Dr. Douglas Lauffenburger Investigates Cancer Biology from an Engineering Perspective
He discusses his views on systems biology and research investigating responses to cancer therapies.
Dr. Ashley Laughney Applies Problem-Solving Skills to Lung Cancer Research
She discusses her career path in cancer systems biology and her lung cancer metastasis research.
Dr. Mark Lemmon Brings Biochemistry Expertise to Cancer Systems Biology
He discusses the importance of research collaborations and the use of systems biology approaches for cancer research.
Dr. Scott Manalis Uses Physics and Engineering to Study Cancer Cells
He describes mentors and collaborators during his career journey and cancer systems biology approaches.
Dr. Aaron Meyer: Identifying Combination Therapies for Lung Cancer
He discusses his career journey in systems biology and research investigating treatment approaches for lung cancer.
Dr. Vito Quaranta Uses Computational Models to Study the Complexities of Tumor Heterogeneity
Dr. Vito Quaranta Uses Computational Models to Study Tumor Heterogeneity
Dr. Arjun Raj Uses Single-Cell Systems Approaches to Understand Melanoma
He shares his views on systems approaches and research investigating cancer treatment responses at the single-cell level.
Dr. Darryl Shibata: Investigating the Evolution of Cancer at Multiple Scales
He discusses his career journey, views on systems biology, and his research investigating the evolution of cancer.
Dr. Peter Sorger Constructs Models of Responsiveness and Resistance to Cancer Therapies
He shares his views on systems biology and his research focusing on cancer treatment approaches.
Dr. Portia Thomas Uses Systems Biology to Study Cancer in Different Patient Populations
She discusses her career journey and her research investigating mechanisms of lung cancer in different populations.
Dr. Marian Waterman: Investigating Heterogeneity in Colon Cancer
She shares her career journey, her colon cancer research, and a hobby outside of her lab.