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Immuno-Oncology Translational Network (IOTN) Capstone Meeting

Immuno-Oncology Translational Network (IOTN) image with an immune cell attacking a cancer cell

The Immuno-Oncology Translational Network (IOTN) Capstone Meeting was held on May 14 - 15, 2024, and highlighted scientific accomplishments in immuno-oncology across the IOTN.

The scientific objectives of the IOTN, a Cancer Moonshot initiative, are to foster collaborative team science approaches to accelerate the discovery of new immune targets and evaluate novel immune-based therapies and combination approaches that eliminate established cancers in adults or prevent cancers before they occur.

The meeting featured keynote talks, presentations by IOTN early career scientists, and an overview presentation on data sharing resources by the IOTN Data Management and Resource-Sharing Center

Documents from the Meeting

Social media posts related to the meeting can be found using #IOTNCapstoneMeeting.

IOTN White Papers 

DCB Contacts for the Meetings

For additional information about the IOTN Capstone Meeting, please contact Dr. Lillian Kuo or Dr. Kevin Howcroft.

  • Updated:

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