Ruibai Luo, Ph.D.
Program Director
Division of Cancer Biology (DCB)
Dr. Ruibai Luo manages a grant portfolio in post-translational modifications, circadian biology, R03s, R15s, and R50s in cancer cell biology.
In addition to her DCB responsibilities, she also a member of the Trans-NCI Extramural Awareness Group (TEAG) Forum.
Prior to DCB, Dr. Luo worked as a Staff Scientist in NCI’s Center for Cancer Research (CCR).
Dr. Luo came to DCB because she wanted to view the science from a broader perspective. She says “being a program director gives me the opportunity to still be involved with the research while also being able to view it from a broader perspective.”
- Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, City University of New York
- M.S., Molecular Biology, Wuhan University
- B.S., Biochemistry, Wuhan University