2024 - Dialogue on Disparities
Dr. Sunday Akintoye on Minimizing Complications of Oropharyngeal Cancer in African Americans
In this conversation with the NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD), Dr. Akintoye discusses his work to increase health equity, how past Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) grants helped advance his career, and the importance of Black History Month.
National Mentoring Month Spotlight: Drs. Efrén Flores and Elyse Park Share Mentorship Lessons on Research and Life
In recognition of National Mentoring Month, CRCHD is recognizing mentor-mentee pairs on our blog and social media. In this blog post, we interview Efrén J. Flores, M.D., and his mentor, Elyse R. Park, Ph.D., M.P.H. Dr. Flores recently received a CURE K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award that will support his work to increase early detection of lung cancer in Hispanic and other vulnerable populations.
Celebrating National Mentoring Month
National Mentoring Month is January 1–30. Mentorship is a key part of building a more diverse cancer research workforce, and CRCHD is proud to support mentorship in many of its programs. This month, we are pleased to share perspectives and insightful guidance from mentors and mentees.