2023 - Dialogue on Disparities
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities shares resources, events, and publications of interest.
Dr. Grace Ma Strives to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities Through CRCHD-Supported Partnership
Asian American populations are underserved in health care and are disproportionately affected by diseases such as chronic hepatitis B, which dramatically increases the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma, according to CRCHD grantee Grace X. Ma, Ph.D. The Center for Asian Health (CAH) at Temple University’s Lewis Katz School of Medicine — led by Dr. Ma — works to reduce disparities among Asian Americans through research; community outreach and engagement; and education, training, and mentorship.
iCURE Celebrates Transition of Largest Group of Scholars During Year-End Event
On June 8, 2023 the Intramural Continuing Umbrella Research Experience (iCURE) held its annual Year-End Gathering (YEG) at the NCI Shady Grove campus. The iCURE Team acknowledged the transition of the program’s largest group of scholars since the program launched in 2018 — more than 20 scholars are moving on to new career trainings and job opportunities.
Celebrating AA and NHPI Heritage Month and Researchers Addressing Disparities in These Communities
May is Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) Heritage Month. In celebration of the month, we’re highlighting the work of scientists whose research aims to help reduce cancer disparities among AA and NHPI communities.
In Memoriam: Dr. Mary Ann S. Van Duyn
CRCHD shares the loss of our long-time colleague and beloved friend Dr. Mary Ann Van Duyn.