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NCI Center for Cancer Health Equity (CCHE)

The Center for Cancer Health Equity (CCHE) strives to achieve health equity by working towards eliminating health disparities, advancing inclusive research across basic, clinical, translational, and population-based studies, promoting a diverse workforce, and enhancing community engagement. Learn more.

  • Funding for Training

    CCHE is committed to training and developing a strong, diverse workforce of cancer researchers.

  • Intramural Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (iCURE)

    iCURE supports mentored research experiences at the NCI for qualified post-baccalaureate (including post-master’s individuals), graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows from diverse backgrounds. iCURE particularly encourages the participation of individuals from groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral and population sciences, and aims to further NCI’s interest in diversity.

  • Dialogue on Disparities

    Follow the blog to stay up to date on cancer health disparities issues, read spotlights on promising projects and researchers, and more.

  • Basic and Translational Disparities Research Funding

    CCHE supports basic and translational research funding opportunities in cancer health disparities.

  • CURE Distinguished Scholars Seminars

    Through these seminars, CCHE honors some of its most accomplished scholars, mentors and champions, as well as their achievements in the CURE Program.

  • Contact CCHE Staff

    Find CCHE staff contact information.
