Zanidatamab-hrii works by binding to two specific sites on the HER2 protein, which is found in high levels on the surface of some cancer cells. This binding damages the HER2 protein and lowers the amount of it on the cell surface. Zanidatamab-hrii also helps the immune system kill cancer cells. These combined actions may slow or stop the growth of HER2-positive cancer cells. Zanidatamab-hrii is a type of targeted therapy called a bispecific HER2-directed antibody.
FDA label information for this drug is available at DailyMed.
Use in Cancer
Zanidatamab-hrii is approved to treat adults with:
- biliary tract cancer, including cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder cancer, that cannot be removed by surgery or has spread to other parts of the body, has been treated with other therapies, and is HER2 positive
Zanidatamab-hrii is approved under FDA’s Accelerated Approval Program. As a condition of approval, confirmatory trial(s) must show that it provides a clinical benefit in these patients.
Zanidatamab-hrii is also being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer.
More About Zanidatamab-hrii
Definition from the NCI Drug Dictionary - Detailed scientific definition and other names for this drug.
Research Results and Related Resources
Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancer
Clinical Trials Accepting Patients
Find Clinical Trials for Zanidatamab-hrii - Check for trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials now accepting patients.