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Tarlatamab-dlle (Imdelltra) works by bringing healthy T cells (immune cells that help kill cancer cells) and lung cancer cells close together so the T cells can more effectively kill the lung cancer cells. It does this by binding to a protein called CD3 on healthy T cells and a protein called DLL3 on small cell lung cancer cells. Tarlatamab-dlle is a type of targeted therapy drug called a bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE).

US Brand Name(s)
FDA Approved

FDA label information for this drug is available at DailyMed.

Use in Cancer

Tarlatamab-dlle is approved to treat:

Tarlatamab-dlle is approved under FDA’s Accelerated Approval Program. As a condition of approval, confirmatory trial(s) must show that it provides a clinical benefit in these patients.

More About Tarlatamab-dlle

Definition from the NCI Drug Dictionary - Detailed scientific definition and other names for this drug.

Research Results and Related Resources

Tarlatamab Shows Promise for Some People with Small Cell Lung Cancer

Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancer

Clinical Trials Accepting Patients

Find Clinical Trials for Tarlatamab-dlle - Check for trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials now accepting patients.

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